Damp Proofing

“Dampness can lead to other issues affecting your property like dry rot.”

Damp Proofing Examples

Damp Proof Membrane 01
Damp Proof Membrane 02
Damp Proof Membrane 03

Benefits of damp proofing

Damp proofing is an essential protective measure in most older properties. Dampness may not appear as obvious as a damp stain on your plaster work. We often find using our ‘DampRot.com Systems’ surveying techniques that the substrate can be affected without your knowledge. An example of this would be a wood rotting fungal attack or woodworm infestation developing on concealed timbers such as joists and timber studs as a result of a dampness issue. 

Glasgow is a damp city as is Edinburgh and the region of Lanarkshire too and because of our natural environment the homes across Scotland are susceptible to dampness through either lateral rain water penetration or dampness rising upward from the foundation. Protecting your home from dampness can be more economical than you think by using our ‘DampRot.com Systems’ dampness survey techniques and treatment programme.

Associated rising damp and dampness problems can cause concealed issues. To pre-empt this potential costly addition to your initial dampness problem, a professional survey could address these issues, reducing potential further costs that could involve dry rot, wet rot or woodworm. 

We love engaging with our clients and watching our successful results give families a comfortable environment to live in.


Characteristic 1

Damp stain on the internal wall plaster. This takes the appearance of a visible tide mark. Hygroscopic white salt formations on the lower wall surface.

Characteristic 2

Wallpaper and paint peeling from the surface.



Characteristic 3

Cracking where materials such as skirting boards and plaster board join together.


Are you in Glasgow or Edinburgh and do you have dampness, dry rot or woodworm in your home report?

'Dampness & Rot' are here to help with your home report if it is reported that you have Woodworm, Dampness or Rot.

Or give us a call: