Dry Rot

“Serpula Lacrymans can lead to structural damage within your property.”

Dry Rot Image

What is ‘Serpula Lacrymans‘?

Dry rot is a wood rotting fungus that is able to grow through masonry and easily spreads throughout the property. It is sensitive to high temperatures over 25 degrees Celsius. A well ventilated sub-floor and roofing timbers can prevent a wood rotting fungal attack. An accurate identification of this species is important for the purposes of protecting your property of further outbreak. Our ‘DampRot.com Systems’ surveying techniques can easily identify the species of rot and in turn implement the appropriate treatment.

Glasgow is one of the most damp cities in the UK. It is of no surprise that a lot of properties in Glasgow are affected by a wood rotting fungal species. This can be a costly repair, however by contacting us at the earliest stage of the attack we can quickly identify the species of rot and using our ‘DampRot.com Systems’ survey techniques we can propose a hard hitting and successful treatment. This will bring your property back to good health.

We love engaging with our clients and watching our successful results give families a comfortable environment to live in.

Darm Room

Characteristics of Dry Rot

Characteristic 1

Spores: you may find brown dust on horizontal surfaces. The affected timber will have large cuboidal cracking along the grain of the wood.

Characteristic 2

Mycelium: silky white sheets or cotton wool-like cushions with fingered white strands which are brittle if snapped.

Characteristic 3

Fruit-body: fleshy, mushroom shaped covered in brown spores with the edges of the growth surrounded with white/grey folds or pores.

Are you in Glasgow or Edinburgh and do you have dampness, dry rot or woodworm in your home report?

'Dampness & Rot' are here to help with your home report if it is reported that you have Woodworm, Dampness or Rot.

Or give us a call: